Leitz wetzlar microscope serial numbers
Leitz wetzlar microscope serial numbers

Then the BM was offered and included the mechanical stage as a standard fitting, whereas it was an extra accessory for this CM model. The next design was the AM which gave the stage rack and pinion focusing. This model, the CM, added rack and pinion focusing to the Bertrand lens, retaining the large diamter tube. The GM added a slide-focusing Bertrand lens. The KM model had a larger diameter 30 mm tube. Later on, these designs became less promoted, and others were offered. During the early period, the MI and MII were the more sophisticated models.

leitz wetzlar microscope serial numbers

The IIIM was the student pol microscope for many years. This is one of a long line of Leitz polarizing microscopes. In arranging for hundreds of Jewish families to escape the holocaust. During WWII Ernst Leitz II and his daughter were instrumental Inherited the firm from his father and ran it during the 1930's and 1940's. The condenser on this microscope is known as the model 'aa' Berek condenser, and was the most complex of the models offered. The famous Dr Berek (who refused to work for the Nazis), who was responsible for many important concepts in optics and polarizing microscopy, worked for the LeitzĬompany until his death in 1949. There was even a specialized catalog for polarizing microscopes starting in 1893. By 1890 there was a catalog listing forĪ petrographic stand. Leitz started producing polarizing microscopes after 1885. HISTORY OF THE LEITZ POLARIZING MICROSCOPES.

  • The model 'aa' polarizing condensor assembly.
  • A black plastic adapter for the oculars.
  • leitz wetzlar microscope serial numbers

  • Ocular, Signed: 'Periplan GF 16X, Ernst Leitz GmbH Wetzlar'.
  • Ocular, Signed: 'Ernst Leitz, Wetzlar, 6X, M.' with three scales, one vertical logarithmic scale calibrated 0-20, and two separate horizontal scales, one on each side of the vertical scale calibrated linearly from 0-30, right to left for the scale on the left side and 0-30, left to right on the right side.
  • An objective signed: 'VICKERS, N2053' and on the other side: 10/0.25.
  • An objective signed: 'COOKE' and on the other side: '20X 0.5' and also: 'C3876 MET.'.
  • A later objective signed: '170/0.17, 40/0.65,' and on the other side ' Leitz, WETZLAR, GERMANY.
  • leitz wetzlar microscope serial numbers

    LEITZ,WETZLAR in insignia) and also 'A.U., N o9' and '5, 30X'

  • A half lacquered-brass objective signed: '(E.
  • Pol objective: 'p3, A=0.25, 10:1' and on the other side (Leitz, Wetzlar in insignia).
  • Pol objective signed: 'p6L, (Leitz, Wetzlar in insignia), Germany,and on the other side: 'A=0.65, 45:1'.
  • Two wave plates, one labelled 'Glimmer ¼ λ and the other 'Gips rot I'.
  • Two wrenches to adjust the nosepiece centering fittings.
  • Eight individual centerable nosepiece fittings.
  • A removable finger-jointed box within the case with holds all the accessories except the oculars.

  • Leitz wetzlar microscope serial numbers